The Second Mind Institute
Join courses on human potential, healing, and consciousness. This is the education you deserved decades ago.
Health transformation in 7 days. There is no substitute for the fundamentals. Activate Numocore: rev your engines of Nutrition, Movement, Connection, and Rest. Our flagship course will help you
Take back your power
Experience true health
Change your life
All of science, philosophy, and spirituality is contextualized in the Three Minds, yet you have likely never heard of them. The Three Minds are a way of understanding ourselves and the world seamlessly and comprehensively. Each mind represents a vantage point of identity from which “the world” is interpreted. The premise is simple, powerful, and all-encompassing: Consciousness is primary, and matter is its pattern.
Explore and enjoy.
An intro to Second Mind Medicine for wellness instructors, health coaches, influencers, and health enthusiasts who want to get to the root of what wellness and mind-body medicine is really saying, integrating perspectives from multiple healing systems and philosophies.
The physician suicide rate in the U.S. is twice that of the general population. Our healers are sick. This is utterly unacceptable.
The cause is not just medical culture, it's the outdated science, unexamined philosophy, and robotic picture of ourselves we have been taught. This course introduces you to an entirely new perspective via Second Mind Medicine and connects it with root-causes of moral injury, physician suicide, and burnout.
Science tries to explain consciousness. Can it? This course re-examines powerful, fundamental assumptions about our world and how we can know it better.
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This site is for informational purposes. It does not offer medical advice.